Asparagus falcatus L.


Common Names:
Maha-hathawariya (S)
Perum saaththaavaari (T)
Sickle thorn (E)

Traditional Knowledge

Useful plant parts :
Cladode and tuber

Uses in traditional medicine :

  • Crushed juice of cladodes acts as a cholagogue
  • Tuber powder is used in chronic congestion of liver, jaundice and gallstones
  • Small doses of tubers are taken for strangury
  • External application of medicated oil prepared with tuber is used for rheumatism
  • Herbal soup made of fresh cladodes is used as a restorative in wasting diseases
  • Soup made of tubers and cladodes is used for chronic nephritis

Scientific Research

Chemical constituents:

Carotenoid: capsanthins, capsorubins violaxanthins and capsoneoxanthins from ripe fruits;  caryophyllene type sesquiterpene lactone: aspfalcolide from leaves

Bioactivity :

Plant extract: inhibits the progression of hepatic injury induced by acetaminophen; aspfalcolide: inhibitory effect on the proliferation, migration and tube formation of human umbilical vein endothelial cells


Note :

Cladodes are used to prepare an edible porridge

References :

Deli, J. et al., (2000), Capsoneoxanthin, a new carotenoid isolated from the fruits of Asparagus falcatus, Tetrahedron Letters, 41(42), 8153-8155.

Ghalib, R. M. et al., (2012), A novel caryophyllene type sesquiterpene lactone from Asparagus falcatus (Linn.); Structure elucidation and anti-angiogenic activity on HUVECs, Europeam Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 47, 601-607.

Hewawasam, R. P. et al., (2008), Effect of Asparagus falcatus on Acetaminophen Toxicity in Mice: A Comparison of Antioxidative Effect With N-Acetyl Cysteine, Journal of Dietary Supplements, 5(1), 1-19.

Molnár, P. et al., (2001), (9Z)-Capsanthin-5,6-epoxide, a New Carotenoid from the Fruits of Asparagus falcatus, Journal of Natural Products, 64(9), 1254-1255.

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