Bambusa vulgaris Schrad.


Common Names:
Una (S)
Moongil (T)
Bamboo (E)

Traditional Knowledge

Useful plant parts :

Uses in traditional medicine :

  • Mature leaves are boiled in water and the extract is used to wash wounded in feet
  • Used in the treatment of asthma, coughs, diarrhoea, fever, haemoptysis, leprosy, lung diseases, thread-worms and worms in ulcers

Scientific Research

Chemical constituents:

Tannins, phenolics, glycosides, saponins, flavonoids and anthraquinones from aqueous extract of leaves


Bioactivity :

Methanol and aqueous extract of leaves: anti-inflammatory; abortifacient: aqueous and alcoholic extract of plant: hypoglycaemic,  antileishmanial,  antimalarial


References :

Carey, W. M. et al., (2009), Anti-inflammatory activity of methanolic extract of Bambusa vulgaris leaves, Int J green pharm, 3(3), 234-238.

Fernando, M. R. et al., (1990), Hypoglycaemic activity of some medicinal plants in Sri-Lanka, Gen Pharmacol, 21(5), 779-82.

García, M. et al., (2012), Activity of Cuban Plants Extracts against Leishmania amazonensis, ISRN Pharmacol.

Valdés, A. F. et al., (2010), In vitro antimalarial activity and cytotoxicity of some selected cuban medicinal plants, Rev Inst Med Trop Sao Paulo, 52(4), 197-201.

Yakubu, M. T. and Bukoye, B. B., (2009), Abortifacient potentials of the aqueous extract of Bambusa vulgaris leaves in pregnant Dutch rabbits, Contraception, 80, 308-313.

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