Barleria prionitis L.


Common Names:
Katu-karandu (S)
Kodippachalai, Kudan, Semulli (T)
Crossandra (E)
Ananta, Bana, Bhindi (Sa)

Traditional Knowledge

Useful plant parts :
Whole plant, leaf and root

Uses in traditional medicine :

  • Decoction of the root is used for toothache and to treat bleeding gums
  • Ashes of the plant is given for dropsy and cough
  • Plant extracts are incorporated into herbal cosmetics and hair products to promote skin and scalp health
  • Leaf sap is given with honey for catarrh accompanied by fever and phlegm
  • A bath using a decoction of leaves and leafy twigs is administered for febrile catarrh

Scientific Research

Chemical constituents:

Phenylethanoid glycosides: barlerinoside, verbascoside, iridoid glycosides: shanzhiside methylester and its derivatives, lupulinoside, barlerin, acetylbarlerin from aerial parts

Bioactivity :

Aqueous ethanol extract of aerial parts: hepatoprotective; root extract: antifertility activity; iridoid fraction of aerial parts: immune-restorative; aqueous methanol extract of whole plant: anti-inflammatory, antiarthritic


References :

Ataa, A. et al.,(2009), Chemical constituents of Barleria prionitis and their enzyme inhibitory and free radical scavenging activities, Phytochemistry letters, 2(1), 37-40.

Chen, J. L. et al., (1998), New Iridoids from the Medicinal Plant Barleria prionitis with Potent Activity against Respiratory Syncytial Virus, Journal of Natural Products, 61(10), 1295-1297.

Ghule, B.V. and Yeole, P.G., (2012), In vitro and in vivo immunomodu- latory activities of iridoids fraction from Barleria prionitis Linn, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 141(1), 424-431.

Gupta, R. S. et al., (2000), Antifertility studies of the root extract of the Barleria prionitis Linn in male albino rats with special reference to testicular cell population dynamics, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 70(2), 111-117.

Ogbuewu, I.P. et al., (2011), The potentiality of medicinal plants as the source of new contraceptive principles in males, North American Journal of Medical Sciences, 3(6), 1.

Singh, B. et al., (2003), Anti-inflammatory activity of ‘TAF’ an active fraction from the plant Barleria prionitis Linn., Journal of Pharmacologi- cal, 85(2-3), 187-193.

Singh, B. et al., (2005), Chemistry and hepatoprotective activity of an active fraction from Barleria prionitis Linn. in experimental animals, Phytother Res, 19(5), 391-404.

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