Benincasa hispida (Thunb.) Cogn.


Common Names:
Alu-puhul (S)
Kalyanappushinikkay, Puchini, Sambal poosani (T)
Ash pumpkin, Wax gourd (E)
Karkaru, Kushmanda, Suphala, Timasha (Sa)

Traditional Knowledge

Useful plant parts :

Uses in traditional medicine :

  • Unripe fruit cooked with Murunga leaves is eaten by patients suffering from respiratory problems

Scientific Research

Chemical constituents:

 Chitinase from seeds; cucumisin like serine protease from sarcocarp

Bioactivity :

Ethanol extract of seeds: anthelmintic, antiangiogenic, antinociceptive, antipyretic, antiurolithiatic, anticonvulsant; seed oil: antioxidative; fruit juice: inhibit gastric mucosal injury, prevent morphine addiction and suppress symptoms of opioid withdrawal; methanol extract of fruit: anorectic activity; cream prepared from fruit extract: antiageing





Note :

Fruits are used as a vegetable

References :

Bimakr, M. et al., (2013), Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of seed oil from winter melon (Benincasa hispida) and its antioxidant activity and fatty acid composition, Molecules, 18(1), 997-1014.

Gill, N. S. et al., (2010), Evaluation of free radical scavenging, anti- inflammatory and analgesic potential of Benincasa hispida seed extract, International journal of pharmacology, 6(5), 652-657.

Grover, J. K., (2000), Preliminary study of fresh juice of Benincasa hispida on morphine addiction in mice, Fitoterapia, 71(6), 07-709.

Huang, H. Y. et al., (2004), Antioxidant and angiotension-converting enzyme inhibition capacities of various parts of Benincasa hispida (wax gourd), Food / Nahrung, 48(3), 230-233.

Kumar, A. and Vimalavathini, R., (2004), Possible anorectic effect of methanol extract of Benincasa hispida (Thunb). Cogn. fruit, Indian journal of pharmacology, 36(6), 348-350.

Lee, K. H. et al., (2005), Anti-angiogenic effect of the seed extract of Benincasa hispida, Cogniaux, J Ethnopharmacol, 97(3), 509-13.

Patel, R. K. et al., (2011), Anti-Urolithiatic Activity of Ethanolic Extract of Seeds of Benincasa hispida (Thumb), Pharmacologyonline, 3, 586-591.

Qadrie, Z. L. et al., (2009), Antinociceptive and anti-pyretic activity of Benincasa hispida (Thunb.) cogn. in Wistar albino rats, Pak J Pharm Sci, 22(3), 287-90.

Qadrie, Z. L. et al., (2011), Anthelmintic and Anticonvulsant studies of ethanolic extract of Benincasa hispida seeds, Pharmacologyonline, 2, 1298-1302.

Rachchh, M. A. And Jain, S. M., (2008), Gastroprotective effect of Benincasa hispida fruit extract, Indian J Pharmacol, 40(6), 271-5.

Sabale, V. et al., (2011), Formulation and in vitro evaluation of the topical antiageing preparation of the fruit of Benincasa hispida, J Ayurveda Integr Med, 2(3), 124-8.

Shih, C. Y. T. et al., (2001), Purification, Characterization, and Molecular Cloning of a Chitinase from the Seeds of Benincasa hispida, Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 65(3), 501-509.

Uchikoba, T. et al., (1998), Cucumisin like protease from the sarcocarp of benincasa hispida var. ryukyu, Phytochemistry, 49(8), 2215-2219.

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