Citrus japonica Thunb.



Citrus madurensis Lour.

Common Names:
Nasnaran (S)
Kattu thodai, Naraththai (T)
Calamondin, Musk Lime (E)

Traditional Knowledge

Useful plant parts :

Uses in traditional medicine :

  • Fruit rind oil is inhaled for nausea and fainting
  • Peel is a tonic and is used in the treatment of headaches

Scientific Research

Chemical constituents:

Flavonoids: natsudaidain and heptamethoxyflavone from leaves and fruits; terpene: limonene from essential oil of fruit peel

Bioactivity :

Natsudaidain and heptamethoxyflavone: positive inotropic effect in guinea-pig papillary muscle




Note :

Fruits are edible

References :

Itoigawa, M. et al., (1994), Cardiotonic flavonoids from Citrus plants (Rutaceae), Biol Pharm Bull, 17(11), 1519-21.

Pha, N. M. et al., (1996), Constituents of the Fruit Peel Oil of Citrus japonica L. from Vietnam, Journal of Essential Oil Research, 8(4), 415-416.

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