Gynura pseudo-china Benth.


Common Names:
Ala-beheth, Cheena-ala (S)
Chinese Gynura (E)
Chopachini (Sa)

Traditional Knowledge

Useful plant parts :
Tap root

Uses in traditional medicine :

  • Powder of the shade dried, cleaned, tap root pieces mixed with sesame seed oil, is applied on chronic skin diseases

Scientific Research

Chemical constituents:

Bioactivity :

Plant extract: anti-inflammatory, an ingredient of the test drug formulation ‘Rasayana’ which is used to decrease hypothermia and gastric ulcers



Note :

Used as substitute for Smilax china in Sri Lanka

References :

Siriwatanametanon, N. et al., (2010), Traditionally used Thai medicinal plants: In vivo anti-inflammatory, anticancer and antioxidant activities, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 130(2), 196-207.

Somarathna, K. I. W. K. et al., (2010), Evaluation of adaptogenic and anti-stress effects of Ranahamsa Rasayanaya-A Sri Lankan classical Rasayana drug on experimental animals, Pharmacological Research, 31(1), 88-92.

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