Horsfieldia iryaghedhi (Gaertn.) Warb.



Myristica horsfieldii Blume

Common Names:
Ruk (S)


Endemic to Sri Lanka

Critically Endangered

Traditional Knowledge

Useful plant parts :
Bark, flower and seed

Uses in traditional medicine :

  • Decoction of the bark is prescribed for indigestion
  • Seed ground in lime water is taken for abdominal pain
  • Dry flowers of male plant with bee honey is taken to improve male sexual ability
  • Bark and flowers are used to treat dysentery, hiccough and wasting diseases

Scientific Research

Chemical constituents:

Lignans: horsfieldin, d-asarinin, (-)-dihydrocubebin and dodecanoylphloroglucinol, fatty acid: myristic acid and its derivatives and sitosterol from seed


Bioactivity :


Note :

Dioeceous and only male plant produces fruits

References :

Gunatilaka, A. A. L. et al., (1982), Horsfieldin, a lignan and other constituents from Horsfieldia iryaghedhi, Phytochemistry, 21(11), 2719-2723.

Tillekeratne, I. M. V. et al., (1982), Lignans of Horsfieldia iryaghedhi, Photochemistry, 21(2), 476-478.

Tillekeratne, L. M. V. et al., (1980), ‘Chemical investigation of Horsfiel- dia iryaghedhi Warb’, 4th Asian Symposium on Medicinal Plants and Spices, Mahidol Univ., Bangkok (Thailand), Faculty of Science. Dept. of Chemistry. – Bangkok (Thailand), 79.

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