Ichnocarpus frutescens (L.) W. T. Aiton


Common Names:
Gerandi-wel, Kiri-wel, Maha-iramusu-wel (S)
Udargodi (T)
Black creeper (E)
Ananta, Bhadra, Gopa (Sa)

Traditional Knowledge

Useful plant parts :

Uses in traditional medicine :

  • Decoction of roots is used for fever and as a diuretic

Scientific Research

Chemical constituents:

Hydrocarbons: n-butyl oleate, n-octyl tetracontane, tetratriacontadiene, n-nonadecanyl benzoate and benzocosanyl arachidate from stem

Bioactivity :

Chloroform and methanol extract of whole plant: hepatoprotective, antioxidative; polyphenolic extract of leaves: antihyperlipidaemic, antidiabetic, antitumour; methanol and aqueous extract of roots: anti-inflammatory, antioxidative, antidiabetic


Note :

A substitute for Iramusu (Hemidesmus indicus) in traditional medicine

References :

Aggarwal, B. et al., (2010), Isolation and Characterization of Phytocon- stituents from the Stems of Ichnocarpus frutescens, Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines, 8(6), 401-404.

Barik, R. et al., (2008), Antidiabetic activity of aqueous root extract of Ichnocarpus frutescens in streptozotocin-nicotinamide induced type-II diabetes in rats, Indian Journal of Pharmacology, 40(1), 19-22.

Dash, D. K. et al., (2007), Evaluation of hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of Ichnocarpus frutescens (Linn.) R.Br. on paracetamol-induced hepatotoxicity in rats, Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 6(3), 755-765.

Kmarappan, C. T. and Mandal, S. C., (2007), Antitumor activity of polyphenolic extract of Ichnocarpus frutescens, Experimental Oncology, 29, 94-101.

Kumarappan, C. T. et al., (2007), Polyphenolic extract of Ichnocarpus frutescens modifies hyperlipidemia status in diabetic rats, Journal of Cell and Molecular Biology, 6(2), 175-187.

Pandurangan, A. et al., (2009), Evaluation of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity of Ichnocarpus frutescens root, DARU, 17(1), 1-5.

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