Lannea coromandelica (Houtt.) Merr.


Common Names:
Hik (S)
Anaikkarai, Appiriya, Othi (T)
Wodier tree (E)
Jhingi, Kvala (Sa)

Traditional Knowledge

Useful plant parts :
Bark, gum and leaf

Uses in traditional medicine :

  • Bark is used to prepare lotions for ulcers, impetiginous eruptions and to treat toothache
  • Gum is used on sprains and bruises
  • Leaves are used on swellings, elephantiasis and to treat body pains

Scientific Research

Chemical constituents:

Flavonoid glycoside: quercetin-3- arabinoside, phenolic acid: ellagic acid and dihydroxyflavanols, β-sitosterol, anthraquinone: physcion and physcionanthranol B from flowers, leaves and stem bark; leucocyanidin from heartwood

Bioactivity :

Aqueous and alcohol extracts of bark: counteract skin ageing and cutaneous hyperpigmentation, anti-inflammatory, hypoglycaemic, zoosporicidal


References :

Islam, M. T and Tahara, S. (2000), Dihydroflavonols from Lannea coromandelica, Phytochemistry, 54(8), 901-7.

Islam, M. T. et al., (2002), Zoosporicidal activity of polyflavonoid tannin identified in Lannea coromandelica stem bark against phytopathogenic oomycete Aphanomyces cochlioides, J Agric Food Chem, 50(23), 6697-703.

Mannan, A. et al., (2010), Antihyperglycemic activity evaluation of Leucas aspera (Wild.) Link leaf and stem and Lannea coromandelica (Houtt.) Merr. Bark extract in mice, Advances in natural and applied sciences, 4(3), 385-388.

Pauly, G. et al., (2003), Use of at least one extract of a plant of the genus Lannea in a cosmetic or dermopharmaceutical composition, US Patent 6599537.

Sankara, S. S. and Nair, A. G. R., (1971), Polyphenols of Lannea coromandelica, Phytochemistry, 10(8), 1939-1940.

Singh, S. and Singh, G. B., (1994), Anti-inflammatory activity of Lannea coromandelica bark extract in rats, Phytotherapy Research, 8(5), 311-313.

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