Lantana camara L.


Common Names:
Ganda-pana (S)
Unnichchedi (T)
Lantana, Wild Sage (E)

Traditional Knowledge

Useful plant parts :
Leaf and root

Uses in traditional medicine :

  • Leaves are used on cuts, ulcers, swellings, rheumatism, constipation, catarrh and bronchitis
  • Roots are used in the treatment of toothache, headache, inflammation, gonorrhoea, leucorrhoea and asthma
  • Used as a febrifuge, diaphoretic and stimulant

Scientific Research

Chemical constituents:

Stearoyl glucoside of ursolic acid, terpenes: 22-β-acetoxylantic acid, lantadene A and B, lantanoic and camaranoic acids and their derivatives, flavonoids: linaroside, lantanoside from plant; terpenes: germacrene, caryophyllene, phellandrene, limonene and cineole from plant essential oil


Bioactivity :

22-β-acetoxylantic acid: antimicrobial; lantanolic  acid derivative: antimutagenic; aqueous alcohol leaf extract: induce embryotoxicity/postimplantation loss; stearoyl glucoside of ursolic acid: hypoglycaemic; lantadene A: antioxidative; essential oil: antimicrobial; methanol extract of leaves: antiulcer;  flavonoids: antimycobacterial


Note :

Listed as an alien invasive plant in Sri Lanka

References :

Barre, J. T. et al., (1997), A Bioactive triterpene from Lantana camara, Phytochemistry, 45(2), 321-324.

Begum, S. et al., (2008), Antimycobacterial activity of flavonoids from Lantana camara Linn, Nat Prod Res, 22(6), 467-70.

Begum, S. et al., (2008), Two new pentacyclic triterpenoids from Lantana camara Linn., Chem Pharm Bull, 56(9), 1317-20.

Garcia, A. F. et al., (2010), Comparative effects of lantadene A and its reduced metabolite on mitochondrial bioenergetics, Toxicon, 55, 1331-1337.

Ghisalberti, U. E. L., (2000), Lantana camara L. (Verbenaceae), Fitotera- pia, 71, 467-486.

Grace-Lynn, C. et al., (2012), In vitro antioxidant activity potential of lantadene A, a pentacyclic triterpenoid of Lantana plants, Molecules, 17(9), 11185-98.

Kazmi, I. et al., (2012), Anti-diabetic potential of ursolic acid stearoyl glucoside: A new triterpenicgycosidic ester from Lantana camara, Fitoterapia, 83, 142-146.

Mello, F. B. et al., (2005), Effects of Lantana camara (Verbenaceae) on general reproductive performance and teratology in rats, Toxicon, 45, 459-466.

Misra, L. and Laatsch, H., (2000), Triterpenoids, essential oil and photo-oxidative 28–13-lactonization of oleanolic acid from Lantana camara, Phytochemistry, 54, 969-974.

Mukherjee, P. K. et al., (2006), Leads from Indian medicinal plants with hypoglycemic potentials, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 106, 1-28.

Sathish, R. et al., (2011), Antiulcerogenic activity of Lantana camara leaves on gastric and duodenal ulcers in experimental rats, J Ethnophar- macol, 134(1), 195-7.

Sharma, U. O. P. et al., (2000), Levels of lantadenes, bioactive pentacy- clic triterpenoids, in young and mature leaves of Lantana camara var. aculeate, Fitoterapia, 71, 487-491.

Siddiqui, B. S. et al., (1995), Pentacyclic Triterpinoids from Lantana camara, Phytochemistry, 38(3), 681-685.

Tesch, N. R. et al., (2011), Chemical composition and antibacterial activity of the essential oil of Lantana camara var. moritziana, Nat Prod Commun, 6(7), 1031-4.

Verdeguer, M. et al., (2009), Phytotoxic effects of Lantana camara, Eucalyptus camaldulensis and Eriocephalus africanus essential oils in weeds of Mediterranean summer crops, Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 37, 362-369.

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