Macaranga peltata (Roxb.) Müll.Arg.


Common Names:
Kenda, Pat-kenda (S)
Vatta, Vattakanni, Vattathuththi (T)

Traditional Knowledge

Useful plant parts :

Uses in traditional medicine :

  • Gum of the stem is used as a bulk laxative and applied on the skin to control rashes

Scientific Research

Chemical constituents:

Phenolic compounds: ellagic acid from bark; gallic acid glycoside: bergenin and its O-methyl ethers  from plant

Bioactivity :

Leaf and stem bark: cytotoxic


References :

Ramaiah, P. A. et al., (1979), Isolation and characterisation of bergenin derivatives from Macaranga peltata, J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans, 2313-2316.

Verma, M. et al., (2009), Screening of plant Macaranga peltata for its antioxidant, antimicrobial and cytotoxicity activity, Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Engineering, 1, 1-3.

Vinod, N. K. et al., (2010), Natural colorant from the bark of Macaranga peltata: kinetic and adsorption studies on silk, Coloration Technology, 126(1), 48-53.

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