Maranta arundinacea L.


Common Names:
Hulankeeriya (S)
Aralottuk, Aruruttukkilangu, Kilangu (T)
Arrowroot plant (E)

Traditional Knowledge

Useful plant parts :

Uses in traditional medicine :

  • Juice of the tubers is taken as an antidote for moderately and mildly venomous snake bites
  • Boiled tubers are eaten to treat bowel complications
  • Extracted rhizome powder acts as a nutrient, emollient and a demulcent
  • Rhizome powder is used for bowel complications and diarrhoea, and used along with milk to treat urinary diseases and asthma

Scientific Research

Chemical constituents:

Protease inhibitor from tubers

Bioactivity :

Protease inhibitor: inhibits trypsin, enterokinase and α-chymotrypsin enzyme activites; hot water extract of tubers: immunostimulant


Note :

Boiled tubers are used as a food

References :

Kumalasari, I. D. et al., (2012), Evaluation of immunostimulatory effect of the arrowroot (Maranta arundinacea. L) in vitro and in vivo, Cytotechnology, 64(2),131-7.

Rao, N. M. et al., (1983), Enzyme inhibitors from plants. Isolation and characterization of a protease inhibitor from arrow root (Maranta arundinaceae) tuber, Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 5(1), 21-33.

Silja, V. P. et al., (2008), Ethnomedicinal plant knowledge of the Mullu kuruma tribe of Wayanad district, Kerala, Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 7(4), 604-612.

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