Neolitsea cassia (L.) Kosterm.



Litsea zeylanica C. G. & Fr. Nees

Common Names:
Dawul-kurundu (S)
Kattukkaruva (T)
Wild cinnamon (E)

Traditional Knowledge

Useful plant parts :
Leaf and bark

Uses in traditional medicine :

  • Leaves and bark, pounded with king coconut oil, are heated and applied on swollen joints

Scientific Research

Chemical constituents:

Terpenes: linalool and β-caryophyllene from essential oil of leaves; water soluble arabinoxylan from leaves

Bioactivity :


References :

Padmakumari, K. P. and Narayanan, C. S., (1992), Volatile Constituents of Litsea zeylanica Leaf Oil, Journal of Essential Oil Research, 4(1), 87-88.

Silva, S. S. M. D. and Kumar, N. S., (1986), Structural studies of an arabinoxylan isolated from the leaves of Neolitsea cassia, Carbohydrate Research, 152(1), 229–236.

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