Petchia ceylanica (Wight) Livera


Common Names:
Kukul-kaduru, Wal-kaduru (S)


Endemic to Sri Lanka

Traditional Knowledge

Useful plant parts :
Milky juice of young parts

Uses in traditional medicine :

  • Milky juice of young parts is applied on the foot to soften the tissues before removing thorns

Scientific Research

Chemical constituents:

Aspidosperma alkaloids: (19R)/(19S) epimisiline, indoline alkaloids: demethylpeceyline, ceylanine, ceylanicine, petchicine from leaves and stem bark

Bioactivity :


References :

Rahman, A. U. et al., (1987), Isolation and structural studies on the alkaloids of Petchia ceylanica, Phytochemistry, 26(2), 543-545.

Rahman, A. U. et al., (1989), Alkaloids of Petchiya ceylanica, Phytochemistry, 28(11), 3221-3225.

Rahman, A. U. et al., (1988), New bisindole alkaloids from Petchia ceylanica, Heterocycles, 27(9), 2051-2057.

Pervin, A. et al., (1988), Demethylpeceyline, A New Dimeric Indoline Alkaloid from Petchia ceylanica, Planta Med, 54(1), 37-9.

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