Phyllanthus urinaria L.


Common Names:
Rath pitawakka (S)
Shivappunelli (T)
Chamber bitter (E)
Adhyanda, Tali (Sa)

Traditional Knowledge

Useful plant parts :
Whole plant, aerial part and root

Uses in traditional medicine :

  • Ground roots dissolved in water is taken to treat sleep disorders (insomnia) in children
  • Decoction of the whole plant is taken as a diuretic
  • Porridge prepared from aerial parts is prescribed for liver damage

Scientific Research

Chemical constituents:

Lignans: 5-demethoxyniranthin, urinatetralin, dextrobursehernin, urinaligran from aerial parts and roots; tannin: geraniin and flavonoid: quercetin and its derivatives from whole plant

Bioactivity :

Water extract of plant: apoptotic, antitumour and antiangiogenic; ethanol extract of aerial parts: antioxidative; geraniin and acetone and alcohol extracts of whole plant: inhibit HSV; aqueous and methanolic extract of plant in combination with other Phyllanthus spp: active against dengue virus 2; methanol and chloroform extract of plant: chemopreventive in pepticulcer



Compound P. urinaria prevents the development of hepatitis B virus associated cirrhosis to hepatocellular cancer


References :

Chang, C. C. et al., (2003), Lignans from Phyllanthus urinaria, Phytochemistry, 63(7), 825-833.

Chularojmontri, L. et al., (2005), Antioxidative and cardioprotective effects of Phyllanthus urinaria L. on doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity, Biol Pharm Bull, 28(7), 1165-71.

Huang, S. T. et al., (2006), Anti-tumor and anti-angiogenic effects of Phyllanthus urinaria in mice bearing Lewis lung carcinoma, Int. Immunopharmacol. Jun, 6(6), 870-9.

Huang, S. T. et al., (2003), Phyllanthus urinaria triggers the apoptosis and Bcl-2 down-regulation in Lewis lung carcinoma cells, Life Sci, 72(15), 1705-16.

Lai, C. H. et al., (2008) Inhibition of Helicobacter pylori-induced inflammation in human gastric epithelial AGS cells by Phyllanthus urinaria extracts, J Ethnopharmacol, 118(3), 522-6.

Lee, S. H. et al., (2013), Effects of cocktail of four local Malaysian medicinal plants (Phyllanthus spp.) against dengue virus 2, BMC Complement Altern Med, 13(1).

Tong, G. D. et al, (2013), Efficacy of early treatment on 52 patients with preneoplastic hepatitis B virus-associated hepatocellular carcinoma by compound Phyllanthus Urinaria L., Chin J Integr Med.

Wu, C. et al., (2013), Two new acetylated flavonoid glycosides from Phyllanthus urinaria, J Asian Nat Prod Res, 15(7), 703-7.

Yang, C. M. et al., (2005), Acetone, ethanol and methanol extracts of Phyllanthus urinaria inhibit HSV-2 infection in vitro, Antiviral Research, 67, 24–30.

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