Quassia indica (Gaertn.) Noot



Samadera indica Gaertn.

Common Names:
Samadara (S)
Nibam (T)
Lokhandi (Sa)

Traditional Knowledge

Useful plant parts :
Leaf, seed and bark

Uses in traditional medicine :

  • A mixture of the powdered bark or wood scrapings in warm water or coconut oil is used to treat fever
  • Roasted seeds are pounded and applied over affected areas for rheumatism
  • Bruised leaves are applied over skin eruptions
  • Seeds are worn around the neck for asthma prevention

Scientific Research

Chemical constituents:

Quassinoids: indaquassins A–F, samaderines B–E and X–Z, dihydrosamaderine B, brucein D, simarinolide, soulameolide and cedronin from bark and stem


Bioactivity :

Quassinoids and samaderines B, E, X and Z: antimalarial; samadorins B and X: anti-inflammatory; methanol extract of leaves: antimicrobial



References :

Kitagawa, I. et al., (1996), Indonesian medicinal plants. XVII. Character- ization of quassinoids from the stems of Quassia indica, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 44(11), 2009-14.

Koike, K. and Ohmoto, T., (1994), Quassinoids from Quassza indica, Phytochemistry, 35(2), 459-463.

Viswanad, V. et al., (2012), Development and evaluation of antimicrobial herbal formulations containing the methanolic extract of Samadera indica for skin diseases, J Adv Pharm Technol Res, 3(2), 106-11.

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