Sida cordata (Burm.f.) Borss.Waalk.



Sida humilis Cav.

Common Names:
Bu-bevila (S)
Siththamatti (T)
Country Mallow (E)
Bhumibala (Sa)

Traditional Knowledge

Useful plant parts :
Whole plant, leaf, root and seed

Uses in traditional medicine :

  • Crushed leaves are applied on the cuts and wounds of the skin
  • Decoction of the roots is given for urinary disorders
  • Leaves are applied on boils, cooked and eaten for haemorrhoids
  • Infusion of roots is taken for nervous and urinary diseases and for blood and bile disorders
  • Prescribed for asthma and as a cardiac tonic
  • Seeds possess aphrodisiacal properties and are given for colic, tenesmus, gonorrhea and cystitis
  • Juice of entire plant is used for rheumatism, spermatorrhoea and gonorrhoea

Scientific Research

Chemical constituents:

Ephedrine from whole plant

Bioactivity :

Leaf extract: hepatoprotective, methanol extract of whole plant: antibacterial


References :

Khatoon, S. et al., (2005), HPTLC Method for Chemical Standardization of Sida Species and Estimation of the Alkaloid Ephedrine, Journal of Planar Chromatography, 18, 364-367.

Mistry, S. et al., (2013), Protective effect of Sida cordata leaf extract against CCl4 induced acute liver toxicity in rats, Asian Pac J Trop Med, 6(4), 280-4.

Panthi, M. P. and Chaudhary, R. P., (2006), Antibacterial activity of some selected folklore medicinal plants from west Nepal, Scientific World, 4(4), 16-21.

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