Spilanthes oleracea L.


Common Names:
Akmalla (S)
Akki- rakaram (T)
Toothache plant (E)
Pipulka (Sa)

Traditional Knowledge

Useful plant parts :

Uses in traditional medicine :

  • Small pieces of inflorescence is pressed against decayed teeth for relief from toothache
  • Juice of flower head is applied topically as an anesthetic agent

Scientific Research

Chemical constituents:

Fatty acid amide: spilanthol and its derivatives, acetylenic alkamides: diynoic acid and undecatrienoic acid, isobutylamide derivatives from flower heads

Bioactivity :

Spilanthol: mild anesthetic effect; ethanol extract of leaves: immunostimulative; water extract of flowers: diuretic


References :

Greger, H. et al., (1985), New amides from Spilanthes oleracea, Chemistry and Materials Science, 116(2), 273-277.

Hatasa, S. et al., (1973), Spilanthol-containing compositions for oral use, US Patent, 3720762.

Pandey, V. et al., (2011), In vitro isolation and characterization of biolarvicidal compounds from micropropagated plants of Spilanthes acmella, Parasitology Research, 108(2), 297-304.

Ratnasooriya, W. D. et al., (2004), Diuretic activity of Spilanthes acmella flowers in rats, Journal of Ethnobotany, 91(2-3), 317-320.

Savadi, R. V. et al., (2010), Study on immunomodulatory activity of ethanolic extract of Spilanthes acmella Murr. Leaves, Indian Journal of Natural Products and Resources, 1(2), 204-207.

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