Madhuca longifolia (J. König ex L.) J. F. Macbr.



Bassia longifolia L.

Common Names:
Mee (S)
Ilappai, Illupai (T)
Mousey Mi (E)
Madhuka (Sa)

Traditional Knowledge

Useful plant parts :
Bark, seed and heartwood

Uses in traditional medicine :

  • Paste prepared of ground heartwood is mixed with seed oil and applied on glandular swellings in throat
  • Bark is used for itches, fractures, snakebite poisoning, rheumatism and skin diseases

Scientific Research

Chemical constituents:

Oleanane type triterpene glycosides: madlongisides A–D, mimusopside A, Mi-saponins A–C and protobassic acid glucoside from seeds


Bioactivity :

Alcoholic extract of leaves and bark: wound healing, antipyretic, antidepressent; aqueous and alcohol extracts of flowers: analgaesic; saponin extract: active against oral pathogens





Note :

Dried flowers are used to make traditional sweets

References :

Chandra, D., (2001), Analgesic effect of aqueous and alcoholic extracts of Madhuka longifolia (Koeing), Indian Journal of Pharmacology, 33, 108-111.

Inganakal, T. S. et al., (2012), Neuropharmcological potential of methanolic extract and a triterpene isolated from Madhuca longifolia L. leaves in mice, Indian J Exp Biol, 50(12), 862-6.

Jana, G. K. et al., (2011), Evaluation of Pharmacological Potentials of Methanolic leaf Extract of Madhuca longifolia (Sopteacae) against Pyrexia, Journal of Pharmacy Research, 4(4), 1298-1299.

Jyothi, K. S. et al., (2012), In-vitro activity of saponins of Bauhinia purpurea, Madhuca longifolia, Celastrus paniculatus and Semecarpus anacardium on selected oral pathogens, J Dent (Tehran), 9(4), 216-23.

Yoshikawa, K. et al., (2000), New Oleanene Triterpenoid Saponins from Madhuca longifolia, Journal of Natural Products, 63, 1679-1681.

Sharma, S., et al., (2010), Wound healing activity and formulation of ether-benzene-95% ethanol extract of herbal drug Madhuca longifolia leaves in albino rats, Journal of Optoelectronics and Biomedical Materials, 1(1), 13-15.

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